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Members looking for sex in Birmingham, UK

Home Female, 44
Female 44
Birmingham, UK
Looking for: Ages 18-49 , Male,

Won't you give me all of your desire..

BBW seeking a 100% straight guy, someone nice and fairly normal, around MY AGE with a great sense of humour..And a real photo available if not on display..I won't message back if you haven't got one or if have one but look derranged/ like you should be on crime watch lol.  
...Looking for a diamond in the rough.

Also, height is important. Hate to sound superficial but I like guys taller than me!  Not necessarily giraffe height but at least a good few inches. Im 5'5 so this shouldnt be hard lol. If you haven't stated your height I'm assuming you're  short and won't reply. I feel horrible saying that..sorry.

If your interests are Bi, TV, CD, TS we're not compatible so don't message. No judgements it just doesn't appeal to me. Thank you.

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